The publication of Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (1977) included a much more complex and systematic style to magic. A maxed-level fighter might be Achilles, but a level 20 magic-user was Zeus". If a caster could "survive those vulnerable early levels, spells could grant godlike powers, like the reality-warping Wish spell, which does exactly what you think it does.

: 239 The first edition had over 100 spells that were "largely inflexible" and when a caster ran out of spells to cast, they were "defenseless fodder for orcs, goblins, and trolls". It primarily describes individual spells where the "spells often but not always have both duration and ranges, and the explanation of spells frequently references earlier Chainmail materials". In 1974, the 36-page " Volume 1: Men & Magic" pamphlet was published as part of the original Dungeons & Dragons boxed set and included 12 pages about magic. Spells and magic systems used in D&D Fantasy